Friday, 28 March 2014

You Have To Do More Than God

One of the most exciting days in a man’s life is the wedding day. A day meant to lead to permanent union here on earth. Weddings are always filled with smiles, dances, songs, exchange of gifts and most importantly prayers from anointed men and women of God. However, it is unfortunate that quite a number of these celebrated weddings end up in a struggling and pitiful state. Then you wonder what happened to the ‘anointed prayers’ from men and women of God? At such times fingers are pointed at the devil, but in the actual sense the devil cannot do anything without man’s cooperation.

When it comes to marriage man (man or woman) has a lot to do to keep the union. The Lord told me that “man has more to do than Himself in KEEPING marriage together”. This may be difficult to swallow. It was, for me too until I searched the scripture to have a Bible based understanding.

So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let not man put asunder (separate)                                                                                                                                     

                                                                                         Matthew 19:6 (AMP)        

While I read Matthew 19:6 – ‘what God has joined together, let not man put asunder’. The Holy Spirit said look at it! The Bible said let no man put asunder NOT let no God put asunder. He further said that it is man that breaks marriage union not God. And that this is done through man’s (man or woman) attitudes/behaviours be it from couples or outsiders (in-laws, friends, neighbours etc). When I heard that, I understood that marriage is not all about prayers alone but there must be corresponding actions especially from couples for faith without works is death.

God has played a great role by bringing two people together as a couple, but couples have their own roles to play if they want to keep their union together. Hope you know that when your spouse annoys you what God can do is to tell u not to react. It simply means reacting or not reacting is your responsibility. There is a saying I was told. It says in marriage one should learn to act like a sheep when the other spouse is angry. The implication is that there cannot be two ‘goats’ at the same time. This is food for thought. It means a misbehaving spouse is considered to be a goat. I hope you are not one.

Always remember that you have more to do to keep your home. God has done the major one and He is still working (John 5:17) only if you cooperate with Him. Do not say prayer is enough. If you have to apologise to your spouse please go ahead. Tell him or her how wonderful he or she is. It will go a long way to strengthen the union. Or is it challenges? If yes, always remember this Yoruba adage that says ‘the scrotum of the goat is just shaking, it won’t fall off’. Definitely it won’t fall off. Hang on in that marriage; pray well but act right without delay by doing your responsibilities as written in the book of Ephesians 5:20-26. And never forget that keeping your marriage together is more of your responsibility than God’s.  We shall not fail in our responsibilities in Jesus’ name. Amen. SHALOM.    

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Passion for Truth

It was the dawn of a new day.
A day filled with hope and expectation.
I opened the windows to see the world.
It was the sight of men accused wrongly,
Women weeping for pain and
Children dying of starvation.

With tears in my eyes I exclaimed,
God why all these pains?
Why so much disappointment and falsehood?
Then came the still small voice
‘Where is truth?’

In search of the much needed Truth I went.
He was not in the streets;
Neither was he in the markets.
I couldn't find him in the offices.
I then concluded that he had gone back home,
To the church of the living God,
The pillar and ground of the truth: where he resides.

With great excitement I ran and hailed;
Racing to the church,
Hoping to find the missing truth.

As I opened the doors of the church
Tears rolled uncontrollably down my eyes
As I saw many lying, widows and fatherless abandoned,
Selfishness and covetousness rejoicing,
People were buying and selling, and nothing was of truth.

Confused and perplexed I left
Wondering where else to find the truth;
Then came this grieving thought
When the son of man comes
Will he find truth on earth?

Come O Lord and redeem your people!
For many are Iike lost sheep
All scattered in different directions ignoring the very truth of God’s word.
Where can one really find the truth?

 For we can do nothing against the Truth [not serve any party or personal interest], but only for the Truth [which is the Gospel].

                                                                                                      2 Cor. 13:8 (AMP).

                                                                              By Ayo-Alamu Oluwaseyi


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Watch Your Tongue

The world that we live in was made via pronouncement from the mouth of God. All things were created by His Word, without it was nothing made. If words from God brought to existence what we see today it means words are powerful. Words can either be creative or destructive, depending on what is pronounced.

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.
                                                                  Proverbs 18:21 NLT

The Bible passage says those who love to talk will reap the consequences of what they talk about- be it life or death.

I once lived in a foreign community where sexual immorality was the order of the day, yet the people were highly religious. I got concerned and observed after a while that there was a common song amongst the people which I also became used to. I decided to find out the translation of the song and hmmn! The song was translated as “Lord, have mercy on me I am a sinner”. Any religious person would be excited to say and sing that often. But the Lord told me that it accounts for their continuous sinful nature. Are you surprised? I was too.

The word of God says “... we beloved of God, called to be saints” (Romans 1:7), not sinners. The moment you accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour you become a saint which means you are no longer a sinner. You may be struggling with an easily besetting sin, notwithstanding desist from words that emphasise the ill situation, instead, speak words of life over the situation. Your words can do it. Abraham said to Isaac “God will provide” even when the level of expectation was zero. However, his words did it through God. Your own words through faith in God can also still the storms, heal you or cause a turnaround for good.

Are you confused about your present situation? Just speak faith in the word of God. If God had acted on His word before, then He will do it again.

My mouth will speak words of wisdom ...     Psalms 49:3 NIV

No matter how wonderful a quotation may sound if it does not align with God’s word, discard it. Remember! The tongue can bring death or life.... May the Lord guide you in Jesus’ name. SHALOM.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

To Do Thy Will

O gracious God, On Thee I wait,
With Thine own self my being fill;
As day by day my life I live,
To do Thy will, Thy blessed will.

In trials oft I find myself
With soul oppressed and body ill;
There is a place where peace is found,
‘Tis in Thy will, Thy holy will.

And when the glimpse of glory comes,
That gives my soul a happy thrill,
My soul shall answer with delight,
“I love, dear Lord, to do Thy will”.

To do Thy will, yes, that is all;
To do Thy will, obey Thy call;
To follow, Lord, where Thou dost lead,
To do Thy will is all I need.

                                         BY W.H. Pike

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Because of Unbelief

“And he could do no mighty work .... And he marvelled because of their unbelief”
                                                                                  Mark 6:5,6.

There was a town in Galilee, when Jesus walked the earth wherein His coming brought no joy, His going left no mirth; No leper hailed Him from afar; no crippled child was brought; No blind man groped a way to Him; no sick His healing sought.

He could not free them from their sin, or give their pain relief, He could not work His miracles, because of unbelief.

The hand that fashioned all the worlds and spread the heavens above,

Was impotent to help or save, or cast the demons out,

The arm of strength grew weak and small before men’s scornful doubt.

Today, as then, Christ’s mighty works the world will not receive; Omnipotence is powerless when men will not believe.

                                                                     By Annie Johnson Flint

Friday, 7 March 2014

Watch What You Hear

What we pay attention to have a way of affecting our lives. If we pay attention to things that cause doubts or fears it will make us fearful and pessimistic. It is important for Christians to know and check what they listen to. Sometime ago I had a ministration in a village in the North Eastern part of Nigeria on a Sunday morning so I had to spend the preceding night in that village because we had to trek for about one hour from the nearest motor able settlement to the village. On arrival we were warmly received and taken to our room. The brother who took us to the room then said “there was a time that a snake came to meet me when I was on my bed in this room; the reason why I am telling you is because you are men of God and I know that you won’t be afraid”. Aah! That was it. I couldn’t sleep and became afraid because I heard the wrong words.

Have you also heard words that are causing you sleepless nights? If yes, then listen to this “In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust” (Psalms 4:8 AMP). Glory! With this word of grace I slept off. Therefore be careful of what you listen to because it either makes or mars you. Let the word of God permeate your fears and doubts. It is expedient to pay attention to the word of God! Be blessed in Jesus’ name. SHALOM.