Saturday, 13 September 2014

Give God Gratitude

This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, UNTHANKFUL, unholy.
                                                                   2 Timothy 3:1-2

The reason behind difficult times is because of men’s attitudes. Attitudes such as covetousness, pride, blasphemy and UNTHANKFULNESS aggravate difficulties. There is an African adage that says the person that is ungrateful is like a thief that has stolen the properties of another man. This may also imply that paying of tithes and offering is a sign of showing gratitude for what God is doing in our life.

Unfortunately most people are only interested in appreciating God when all is well alone, forgetting that it must be always irrespective of the situation. There is a song that says ‘when success comes my way I will praise the Lord’, and my answer to that is even unbelievers will also praise God when they experience success in an area of life. This ought not to be. I was touched when I listened to the testimony of a man that was released from prison after being wrongfully sentenced to death for murder. He said when the Judge sentenced him he did not know what to do and he struggled with the prison wardens when he was to be taken to prison. On arrival at the prison, he said when the prison gates were shut behind him it was as if all was gone; for the first fifteen minutes he could not see anything because of the darkness in the prison. After a while, he began to see others that were waiting to be executed. He however said something that is worth pondering on. He met eight people in the prison that were also awaiting death. Those he met told him not to be sad, rather he should pray, praise and believe God for intervention. This he did, fasting at least twice a week and after ten years in prison [for what he did not do] he was let go. Merciful Lord!


Even though death was before him yet he humbled himself to praise God. There is nothing God cannot do. Thanking Him will cause Him to do much more for us and see us as children that are grateful to Him. Think deeply. Hope we have not grieved the Holy Spirit with acts of ingratitude. Let us honour God with who we are, what we have and with a heart of sincere gratitude to God. He is a Father that deserves it. The Lord bless you.

Excerpt from my new book title The Father’s Intent

Friday, 12 September 2014

Look Upon Jesus

Look upon Jesus, sinless is He;
Father, impute His life unto me.
My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,
Cover with His life, whiter than snow.

Deep are the wounds transgressions has made;
Red are the stains; my soul is afraid.
O to be covered, Jesus, with Thee,
Safe from the law that now judgeth me!

Longing the joy of pardon to know;
Jesus holds out a robe white as snow;
“Lord, I accept it! Leaving my own,
Gladly I wear The pure life alone”.

Reconciled by His death for my sin,
Justified by His life pure and clean,
Sanctified by obeying His word,
Glorified when returneth my Lord.

-              F.E. Belden

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Are There People in Hell?

Throughout my growing up years as a child, I heard messages from preachers in and out of church preaching that sinners will go to hell. “He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the begining” (1 John 3:8). Then He will also say to those on the left hand, Depart from Me; you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). With this understanding, I knew that no sinner will escape hell because they belong to the devil.

However, as I grew up I knew by understanding that those that have died are either in heaven or hell. I was sure that is the case because millions of people are dead now. However, when I attended burial ceremonies, it was observed that ALL those brought for burial were ‘saints’. All were being appreciated for good works done to as many that met them during their life time. To crown it all, the preachers concluded that they were at the feet of Jesus waiting to meet us when the time comes.

We have also seen cases of men and women that embezzled public funds and were on trial before death came knocking, yet at their burial ceremonies it was said that they were at the feet of Jesus. There are cases where men were eulogized for how they served the nation or worship centres, though these men were known for sexual immorality. Notwithstanding, we are often told that they are resting at the feet of the Lord. The particular case that got me thinking was the story of a man that died and on the day of burial in church, the minister of the day commended him for how he lived a glorious life and also claimed that he was sure that the dead man was seated at the feet of Christ through inspiration. Unfortunately, after all was said, a secret society came to demand for the dead man's corpse on the grounds that it belonged to them and not Christ. Now the question is how can such a man be at the feet of Jesus? Does it mean that no matter how a life is lived, it will end up in heaven? I do not think so.

Most times, the challenge is that whether some ministers know the dead or not, they will want to celebrate the dead. The Bible says we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth (2 Corinthians 13:8). In other words, the truth shall stand always, irrespective of circumstances. The truth is the word of God not of men. Therefore, it is essential to simply stick to God’s word when ministering at burial ceremonies. When we do not stick to God’s word, confusion is promoted not conviction. Perhaps you have attended burial ceremonies that got you troubled in your heart. Well you do not have to be neither should you put your heart to what men say when it does not promote the truth. Stick to the word of God and seek to enter the kingdom of God. Be focused and determined to make heaven. Take this word of advice as given by Jesus – allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and publish abroad through all regions the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:60).  His grace will be sufficient for us in Jesus’ Name. Amen. SHALOM.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Thanksgiving is a key aspect that is incomparable to anything. We all love to be appreciated for our efforts. Isn’t it? How much more God who preserves our lives all through discomforts and trials!

Thank God NO MATTER what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
                                                               1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Message)

This is the way believers ought to live. It is not done in secret rather it is a public acknowledgement of divine goodness. It is an act of showing appreciation to God irrespective of what you are going through. I as an individual love to say THANK GOD as often as I can but an experience made me to understand that appreciating God the Father for what He does should not be taken with levity. An incident occurred a few years back while I was returning from Foursquare Camp at Ajebo in Nigeria. I was in a bus and I sat in front with the driver and another passenger.  Suddenly the front tyre burst and there were shouts of JESUS, JESUS, JESUS in the bus. To the glory of God the situation came under control and from that spot we moved a distance of about two kilometres before parking so the tyre could be repaired. A mad man appeared from nowhere and started walking towards our bus. When he got to our bus he said if we understood the gravity of what had just happened, we would be grateful and be glad.  He said a similar event had happened before and there were no survivors. What first caught my attention was that the so called mad man was not there when our tyre burst. Secondly, we were about two kilometres away from the spot where it took place yet the mad man had an insight into what had happened. To cut the story short, the mad man demanded that we (the passengers) should show our appreciation to him, when in the actual sense he did nothing to save our lives. So one of the passengers gave him N5 (Nigerian currency) and he became furious. What he said afterwards was what got me thinking. He said if he was given N500 to show appreciation for the deliverance, it was worth it. Then I thought and said to myself that if a mad man was demanding the sum of N500 for what he did not do how much more God that saved our lives from sudden death? It means God is worth more than whatsoever we have to offer. Friends, have you also learnt from this? Learn to thank God for everything. Do not be an ingrate.

The LORD bless you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Excerpt from my new book titled The Father’s Intent