Monday, 18 May 2015

God’s Leadership Attributes 3 (David’s Confession)

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
                                                                                              Psalms 23:6

Friend, this verse is an overwhelming confession by David due to the tender loving leadership of God. You know when someone does something outstanding for you that touches your heart and before you could frame the exact words to say in appreciation, you already over heard yourself say ‘I love you’ or ‘I can’t just do without you’. And you’re stunned at the confession. That was the same situation David was in because of God’s method of shepherding. Has anybody ever said wonderful things concerning what you have done or contributed to their lives? It may not be said to you directly, it could be told to people elsewhere. And because of the confession others come to submit to your leadership. If not, let’s have a rethink on our leadership methods.

Imagine! David said “I will dwell in the house of the LORD (Leader) forever”. Ha! That’s powerful! It means that he’s sure that staying with his leader wouldn’t amount to any form of loss. His confession was neither done under duress nor under any form of pressure. It was done with his common sense intact. Beloved how many people have left your ministry or Christian organisation simply because of your wrong approach to the issue of leadership? Is it not sad that the workers in your office are always leaving? Every New Year you are sure that you have to search for replacements. Why not check inwards as well. Please don’t just set aside this matter.

When you consider your leadership style using the microscope of sincerity you will not regret it. And once adjustments are made things would change. If you were a leader with three sheep before you realise what is happening the number would increase to five and on it goes. A lot of sheep are out there without shepherd bleating for help! And when you arise to the occasion they would turn to you and say ‘Be Our Leader’.

Excerpts from Be Our Leader written by Oluwaseyi Alamu

Monday, 11 May 2015

God’s Leadership Attributes 2

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with are; thy staff they comfort me; thy rod thy staff they comfort me.

Leaders don’t leave even at the face of dangers. They are protective of their followers in such a way that they are made not to be afraid of difficulties. God is always around to see His disciples through whatever situation they’re in. He doesn’t hide when things may be rough, only to show up when it becomes smooth despite oppositions.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Kindly consider the issue of enemies. Enemies are opposing forces which could be through man, harsh economic conditions or spiritual forces. Yet amidst these adversities, God prepares a table; a suitable platform full of provisions.

Leaders don’t hide under the guise of oppositions rather they make provision suitable for their followers despite oppositions. With this wonderful provision, promotion, attention and increase normally come the way of the led. As leaders let us have our focus on creating avenues of provision for those that look up to us instead of concentrating on the oppositions. Because when we do we sink the boat in which we and our followers are in, thus leading to destruction.

Once this godly attributes of leadership are put in place be sure that you will not only have followers but loyal followers. Followers that will also confess as David did when he experienced God’s guidance....

 Excerpts from Be Our Leader written by Oluwaseyi Alamu