The discussion of tithes in recent times have been more of a back and forth argument from those who are ministers of the gospel, the laity and the public. Many claim to know what is right, either quoting from the Bible or speaking based on convictions. However, the concern of SINCERE TRUTH SEEKING CHRISTIANS is the desire to do the will of God. Based on this, my take is also from the Bible. Not just the Bible but the very words of Jesus found in Matthew 23:23.
Matthew 23:23 (NTWE) 'You scribes and Pharisees will have trouble. You who are not true to yourselves! You give God a tenth part of small garden plants. But you have not done those bigger matters of the law. You have not judged in the right way. You have not been kind. You have not believed God. You should be doing these things and the other things too.
Here, Jesus spoke about how the ministers of his days were more concerned with tithes, while other salient issues were set aside. This made Him disapprove their actions NOT the giving of tithes. One may ask- what exactly did he disapprove? From the above scripture, Jesus was not happy that the ministers have ignored the ‘BIGGER MATTERS OF THE LAW’ which are in threefold
1. Judging in the right way.
2. Being kind.
3. Believing God
I believe this is also the challenge today. Quite a number of ministers and ministries have ignored these ‘threefold mandate' from God. Little wonder you see church members suffering without any attention from some leaders. If the concern of the public is on the neglect of these, then we could just bring the attention of those concerned to it. It is not in our power to logically conclude matters such as this. Drawing again from the above scripture, Jesus said and I quote “… You should be doing these things and the other things too.
In other words, Jesus is saying that the threefold mandate must be done alongside GIVING OF TITHES. I am yet to see in the New Testament where Jesus or the early Apostles told the Church not to pay tithes. If Jesus has spoken about it this way, then we need to believe God. Moreover, is it a problem to honour your Maker with a tenth of your substance? Think about it!
Give to God your tithes. What anyone does with it should not necessarily be our agitation. Allow God to fight for Himself. Our God is not weak. In conclusion, let all Christians be faithful to God. A faithful Christian will honour God and will never mismanage God’s resources. Stay faithful. Shalom.
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